
5 Common Signs of Stress in Cats

5 Common Signs of Stress in Cats

  For us humans, stress is a normal part of life and requires healthy coping strategies to endure and manage. For our feline counterparts, stress can cause anxiety and frustration that may result in diseases and behavioural problems over time. Since cats are...

Should Cats Roam or Stay at Home?

Should Cats Roam or Stay at Home?

Depending on whom you talk to, the answer could be yes or no to either letting your cat roam or keeping him or her permanently indoors. Pet parents that keep their kitties inside will offer numerous reasons for preventing cats from venturing outdoors such as “I don’t...

The Benefits of TNR (Trap Neuter Return)

The Benefits of TNR (Trap Neuter Return)

A TNR or Trap-neuter-return program is a humane alternative to trapping and euthanising cat populations. This is a method for managing the number of free-roaming, homeless cats in a specific geographical area. With this type of program, homeless cats will be humanely...

Catifying Your Home For Harmony And Your Cat’s Safety

Catifying Your Home For Harmony And Your Cat’s Safety

The perfect cat lover’s home is a harmonious sanctuary for both cat and human - rich in variety, comfort and safety for all. So, just how can we catify our homes to make it so? Where is your cat most comfortable? Before deciding on anything, observe your cat to gauge...

Ageing & Cognitive Dysfunction in Cats – How to Help

Ageing & Cognitive Dysfunction in Cats – How to Help

This article was sent to us by Elsa Smith. It has information I could have used when we were caring for MITwo, who lived to be 21. Elsa is a freelance journalist and blogger with a love for those with four legs! She has grown up around animals and pets and wants to...

First Newsletter from Conner and Tiger Lily

First Newsletter from Conner and Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily-- I thought you were going to do it. Conner-- I thought you were! TL-- Well, it didn’t get done. C-- So, let’s do it. TL-- Do what? C-- The newsletter. Isn’t that what you are complaining about? TL-- We can’t write all fancy like Inky. How can we do the...

The Harmful Effect of Smoking Around Pets

The Harmful Effect of Smoking Around Pets Here's a link to a report produced in the UK  about the effect of cigarette smoke and vaping on pets. I asked if there was any research they could share about cannabis smoking and, while they agreed it was important, they...

Inky in Retirement

Inky in Retirement

Greetings Humans, The time surely slips by when life is good. I have been relaxing into retired life, making new friends and trying new things. I can see why so many humans look forward to retirement. I was scared at first and didn’t know what to expect, being carried...

Inky Announces His Retirement

Inky Announces His Retirement

Greetings Humans, I have been thinking of this for a while now, wondering how to tell you. I need a holiday, a long holiday; one from which I may not return. You may have noticed that I was spending a lot of time on my own in the privacy areas of the café even before...

Inky in Lockdown Mode

Inky in Lockdown Mode

Greetings Humans, I want to congratulate you on becoming more like cats. Of course, I’m talking about how you are staying inside and when you do go out, staying in your territory. You are also washing your paws more often and only touching those who are in what you...