Cats in the Café

You will see these cats in the Café!

– About Our Cats –

All our cats are available for adoption. Some of them stay longer than others to teach newbies how to behave around humans and other cats. We call them Worker Cats.’ We call all other cats Available Cats.’

When cats/kittens arrive at the cafe, they need to stay for a month. We study their personality during this period and people can submit the pre-adoption forms. After a month or so, we will look for the best match for that cat/kitten. We also sometime cannot release cats if the cafe has less than 10 cats in the café.

We work with some cat rescue organisations in the Wellington region like Feral Nation and Rachel’s KittyCat Rescue NZ. We do some rescue activities by ourselves and accept surrendered cats with careful screening.


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Grey/White
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

I was rescued with my kittens (Nyx and Hunter), mother (Ingrid) and brother (Alfie) from the backyard of home in Kelson where I was born. I lived outside around chickens and lots of other cats there, but it took a long time for me to get used to humans. I was just starting to trust the fosters when I came here to Neko Ngeru to be with my kids and my brother. I am still hiding under the couch and am not ready for anyone to touch me yet. Give me time. I can be playful and sweet once I get to trust you.

Things I like:

Hiding in a safe place, food, play and petting (once I trust you)


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby
DOB: 22/02/2022
Gender: Male
Personality: Timid
Size: 4.25kg

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

I was surrendered directly to Neko Ngeru with my sister, Aroha, when our human dad got sick and everyone we loved left the country. Our life has been full of change and noise since then. We just want to have peace and quiet. I like people a lot more than other cats and I’m braver than my sister. I will come out from my hiding place to be petted if I feel you will protect me from these boisterous cats. My legs are a bit bowed and I have some asthma, but it’s not serious.

Things I like:

Hiding in a safe place and petting (once I trust you)


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby
DOB: 22/02/2022
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

I was surrendered with my brother, Rangi, when our humans got sick and left the country. I am still dealing with all the trauma, so I need to hide and learn whether or not this cat café is a safe place. If you like my brother, please like me too. We have always been together, and I don’t want to change that. Hopefully, I will be able to relax here and show you my true character and you will like me for myself.

Things I like:

Hiding in a safe place until I am comfortable then sunbathing


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Black
DOB: 25/10/2023
Gender: Male
Personality: Cautious and Smart
Size: 3.6kg

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

I was rescued with my sisters, Bambi and Rumer, by Rachel’s KittyCat Rescue around Masterton when we were very small. I was lucky to get rescued by such good people so young because I am able to trust humans. I also like playing with other cats. I am more cautious than Bambi because I want to make sure things are safe before I explore them. But, once I am, I can be as bold as the next cat.

Things I like:

Play and petting, climbing on everything and everyone.


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby
DOB: 25/10/2023
Gender: Confident
Personality: Friendly
Size: 2.7kg

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

I was rescued with my sister, Rumer, and brother, Kohl, by Rachel’s KittyCat Rescue around Masterton when we were very small. I was lucky to get rescued by such good people so young because I am able to trust humans. I also like playing with other cats. I’m a bit rough in my play, so I’m trying to learn not to bite or scratch you. You can help by using a toy to play with me, not your hands. I think everything is a potential toy and everyone a potential friend. Let’s play or cuddle—my choice!

Things I like:

Play and petting, climbing on everything and everyone.


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby
DOB: 25/10/2023
Gender: Female
Personality: Friendly
Size: 3.1kg

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

I was rescued with my sister and brother, Bambi and Kohl, by Rachel’s KittyCat Rescue around Masterton when we were very small. I was lucky to get rescued by such good people so young because I am able to trust humans. I also like playing with other cats. I am more cautious than Bambi, but I am playful and curious too. I sometimes play rough and have a bad habit of biting. Please help me overcome this by stopping play if I do it.

Things I like:

Play and petting, climbing on everything and everyone. Looking down from high places.


Breed: Domestic Long Hair
Colour: Grey Smoke
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid
Size: 3.18kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story: 

I was born in Kelson to abandoned colony cats. When I had my kittens, I found a good food source at a home, so I had my second litter there too. One day, the door on the food container closed and I was taken to another place. It turns out that the many of my family (older daughter, grand kits and younger son) were there already, but I wasn’t too happy about the change. Because I hid all the time, I was taken to another place with one jealous cat. I started to trust the people there, but I was taken to the café where my family are. Now I hide under the couch with my daughter Gracie Eve and only come out when no people are around. I will stay here until I decide to trust humans again.


Things I like:     Hiding



Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Grey Tuxedo
DOB: Feb. 2019
Gender: Female
Personality: Friendly, smoochy
Size: 4.2kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

Hi! I’m Asher. Nice to meet you. I may take a moment to warm up, but once I get to know you, I won’t be afraid to speak my mind. I was very happily spoilt with my human for six years, but she had to find a good place for me when she got sick and had to go into a care home. I have been okay around other cats and even little kids don’t scare me too much. (Just make them be gentle!) I am a good hunter and will bring you presents if you let me. Usually, I like going outside just not in rainstorms. I had to go through a lot of storms though when I ran away for four months. Fortunately, a nice person cared for me in the last month. She could not keep me though, so I am back here. I hope to find a new person or family through Neko Ngeru. Are you the one for me?

Things I like:

petting and cuddles beside you


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby/White
DOB: April 2023
Gender: Female
Personality: Cool and Calm
Size: 3.6kg

Status: Accepting Applications 

My Story:

Hi, I’m Elsa. I was rescued by Feral Nation and had my first adoption in August from one of the kitten cuddling events here at Neko Ngeru Cat Café. Unfortunately, my human ran over me with her car (accidentally). I needed a place to be alone and quiet, so she had to return me to Feral Nation who nursed me back to health. It took a long time, but I am perfectly well now. No one could tell I was ever hurt except for my cute, wonky moves. Now, I want to try again to find good people who will love and take care of me. I am brave, have a funny meow and don’t mind dogs. Are you the one to give me my forever home?

Things I like:

climbing, hiding under the rug, playing with toys and sitting beside you.


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Black
DOB: 27/05/2023
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid
Size: 3kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

My name is Smokey and my sister is Bandit. We were rescued inside the Manawatu prison grounds but we didn’t do anything wrong. Our momma ran away when the humans rescued us, and the other kittens all got other homes, but we always stayed together. That’s the way we like it. We are shy around strangers but get cuddly and playful once we know you. We will hide at first but soon we will be climbing everywhere (even the kitchen range so beware!) Ever since we were rescued, we have been inside only so that is what we want for our future life too. We come with some furniture and a carrier. Please consider us as beautiful additions to your family.

Things I like:

climbing, hiding, playing with toys and sitting beside you.


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Black
DOB: 27/05/2023
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid
Size: 3kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

My name is Smokey and my sister is Bandit. We were rescued inside the Manawatu prison grounds but we didn’t do anything wrong. Our momma ran away when the humans rescued us, and the other kittens all got other homes, but we always stayed together. That’s the way we like it. We are shy around strangers but get cuddly and playful once we know you. We will hide at first but soon we will be climbing everywhere (even the kitchen range so beware!) Ever since we were rescued, we have been inside only so that is what we want for our future life too. We come with some furniture and a carrier. Please consider us as beautiful additions to your family.

Things I like:

climbing, hiding, playing with toys and sitting beside you.


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby/White
DOB: March 2023
Gender: Female
Personality: Friendly, bossy
Size: 1.8kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

I’m Leah. My brother (Marco) and sister (Orea) and I were rescued by Feral Nation. I’m curious and independent. I play hard; sometimes my daredevil ideas get Marco into trouble or my wrestling matches wind up with Orea getting a scratched eye. Yet I care about my siblings, after everything I give them a good cleaning to make up and I will watch them sleep or play. I love looking out the window or ‘cat TV’ on a screen. Your lap is fine, but I like sitting next to you better. New things don’t scare me much, so I make friends easily. Will you be my friend?

Things I like:

playing with humans, other cats


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby
DOB: March 2023
Gender: Male
Personality: Friendly, bossy
Size: 1.7kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

Hi! I’m Marco, rescued by Feral Nation with my sisters, Leah and Orea. We always have lots of fun together, playing, fighting or cuddling. I can play on my own (losing and finding the ping pong ball is fun), but I like being with my sisters better. I support them, like when Orea needed eye drops, I was right there. I even made a new game for them—chasing me with a string in my mouth. I just don’t like being left out and that goes for humans too. I will meow at you when I want more attention and look for cuddles on your lap.

Things I like:

playing with humans and other cats


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Ginger/White
Gender: Fmale
Size: 3.2kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

I’m Jasmine. I’ve had a hard life: teen mom, abandoned, all that. But I don’t want to talk about it. I have had to stand up for myself and be strong. I will hiss and growl at other cats when I feel threatened, but I would rather not fight.  I was rescued by Feral Nation, and I may have been a bit much for my foster who was more used to sick or elderly cats. What can I say? I’m a high-energy, free-spirited girl who won’t back down. Now I am at Neko Ngeru where I hope to find a new home with people who will love me for me. Is that you?

Things I like:

I like feeling safe in a high spot getting petted and fed


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: TabbyWhite
DOB: Feb. 2024
Gender: Male
Size: 2.8kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

Hi, I’m Wylie. I was rescued by a nice lady on a lifestyle block in Pauatahanui. I was hiding under an upside-down bathtub. I probably wasn’t born wild, just got dumped by irresponsible people. I still like and trust humans though (once I get to know you) and it doesn’t take me long before I’m bouncy and playful, landing in your lap to knead it into a more comfortable shape.  We can be friends, so play with me

Things I like:



Breed: Domestic Meduim Hair
Colour: Grey Tabby/White
DOB: Nov. 2023
Gender: Male
Personality: Timid
Size: 2.9kg

Status: Trying his new home!

My Story:

My name is Alfie. I was born in a woodshed in Kelson. The family of that house caught me a while after they got my brother, mother, older sister, and her kittens so I was super skinny when I came to Neko Ngeru. My mum, sister, nephew, and niece were already at the nice foster’s. I enjoyed playing with my family except when my brother came to stay for a bit. He didn’t know how to play nicely. He didn’t have sissy, mum, and nephews to teach him. I think it’s important to wait my turn and play gently with my younger family.  I’ve just started to trust the humans and gotten braver in my exploring. Now, I’m going to explore the cat café and learn even more about playing with other cats and humans. I look forward to more of my family joining me here. I know about chickens and fear children. Hopefully, you will be patient with me.

Things I like:

Playing with my family

The cats below are worker cats. They will stay in the longer to teach newbies how to behave in the café.

Pippin – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Black & White
DOB: February 2021
Gender: Male
Size: 2.3 kg

My Story:

I’m Pippin because I will always be small. I have congenital Myasthenia Gravis, so I seem tired all the time and I can’t do all the things other cats do. I get special care, so I am doing all right. I can eat my food from a spoon and walk a little way, but I need to rest a lot. The other cats think I am a little gross because I drool on myself. That’s why I also need humans to give me a bath and my paws and belly are stained brown. I come to the café by day and go home with the Okada’s at night.

Things I like:

brushing, playing for a short time, getting fed and trying to lick myself



Delilah – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Long Hair
Colour: Ginger & White
DOB: August 2019
Gender: Female
Personality: playful and sweet
Size: 4.6kg

My Story:

Hello, I’m called Delilah. I lived happily with Candy and Carter, my whole life until we had to move. My human mom was in a terrible situation, but she made sure to get us into Neko Ngeru where we can find good homes. I hope to stay at Neko Ngeru for a long time. I can’t really decide whether I like cuddling Candy or Neo better. Hope I don’t have to decide. I will cuddle with you too, but only at my own choice. If I am comfortable enough, I may start cleaning your hair. It’s good if you brush me too.

Things I like:

Your attention, sitting on your lap, getting in your face and new people to love

Neo – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Colour: Ginger (Cameo)
DOB: Dec. 2022
Gender: Male
Personality: Outgoing and playful
Size: 5.2kg

My Story:

Hi there! I’m Neo and I’m sure I’m going to like you! I love cuddles, having my head and tummy rubbed, stretching out while sleeping, playing with my favourite toys and other cats.  I’m intelligent, a fast learner, and very curious. I will tell you what I want when I want it. I love food, but I’m not greedy if other cats want to share what I have. Don’t laugh at me when I crash into things while chasing a toy, and I am sure we will be friends forever.

Things I like:

petting and playing with the green stick, string, and the laser pointer.


Carter – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Medium Hair
Colour: Ginger & White
DOB: 2019
Gender: Male
Personality: timid then playful and smoochy
Size: 6.5kg

My Story:

Hi, my name is Carter. My sister, Delilah, and I were happy at our home. Candy was there too. We had to leave it, but it was okay because at least I was with my sister and Candy wasn’t around at the foster. Unfortunately, the café was not big enough for the both of us. I had to go back the foster’s until Candy gets adopted. I can sometimes get scared of loud noises or new people, but I bounce back quickly and am ready to jump up for a hug and resting my head on your shoulder.

Things I like:

playing and snuggling with customers and watching everything outside the window.