Greetings Humans. Here in Japan it is early Spring which means there will be lots of new kittens. Last year at this time, my former servants, Ken and Richelle, rescued four un-weaned kittens. It seems their mother gave birth to them on a construction site and then got scared off. She was probably hardly more than a kitten herself. Well, you don’t want to get me started on the behavior of those queens and toms without any humans to care for them…

As I was saying, Ken and Richelle took the kittens to their tiny apartment in Osaka. They had to bottle feed them every four hours and teach them how to use a litter box and to clean themselves. It was hard work, but they were happy to do it. All those kittens found servants and one, Whitey, is now my roommate.

Even though it is autumn in New Zealand, I have heard that my former servants are caring for kittens again. They went to Upper Hutt Animal Rescue Society intending to foster an adult cat. But, then they learned that there were more than 50 kittens needing care so they got three little black kittens. At least these do not need bottle feeding. They just need to be trained a bit so that they will know that humans are here to serve their needs. I believe my servants call this process socializing. Since these three are completely black, Richelle put different coloured strings on them and now they are even calling them Red, Green and Blue. They are pretty sure Blue is the only girl. Those kittens now have the run of the house and lots of attention, food and toys. Don’t worry, we cats cannot be spoilt. We deserve it all.

If you think you could care for kittens, providing them with shelter and love, please contact your nearest rescue organisation to volunteer. It is not easy, but it is really worthwhile.