Mi Two Introduces Cait Sith

Mi Two Introduces Cait Sith

Greetings Humans, Eventually everyone reaches a point in their life when they want to retire. Now that I am 21 years old, about 100 if I were human, I feel it is necessary to devote my time to more important things—like napping. Fortunately, Ken and Richelle have...
Crowdfunding Campaign Launched August 22nd

Crowdfunding Campaign Launched August 22nd

Our crowdfunding campaign started this week. We worked really hard on the video and the page. We asked our Meetup group members to give us ideas for rewards. We sent emails to everyone we know in New Zealand and around the world. It is the third day. We have 20 people...
Mi Two Asks for Your Help

Mi Two Asks for Your Help

Greetings Humans, I have been so happy this week since Ken has been here to see me. He is complaining about the hot, humid weather. I always say, you humans move around too much. Of course, you will suffer in the heat when you try to do stuff! Well, there seems to be...