We recently got a request for help from someone who needs to re-home her six cats. Since we cannot take the cats of private individuals, we promised to help by publishing the information on our social media. Please look at the pictures and descriptions that Karla sent us then share with people you think might want an older cat.

Pooh Bucket is a male cat who is a stray. He will need to be fixed. After putting almost two months ‘work’ into him, I can happily say that he is a much-changed kitty. He used to hide from me and I couldn’t get close at all. And now he tolerates being touched. He needs someone who is willing to be patient and kind. But he will be so rewarding when you finally gain his trust and get his love.

Charlie is an odd cat. She’s a lovely caramel/gingery colour 🙂 she’s been spayed. She’s approximately 2-3 years old. She does okay with other cats. Not a great fan of kids. She would do so very well with someone who loves cats and is willing to be patient. I lived with my grandmother and this cat for over a year and during that time Charlie became extremely affectionate. She would just come and plop herself down on me and have cuddles. She would stand on the side of the couch and pull me close for kisses. She’s truly very beautiful but takes a while to warm up to people.
Those two are easy 🙂 Pooh Bucket gets along with other cats. He hangs out with my 5 and they all get along really well. He will do much better once fixed 🙂 Charlie really shines on her own and she’s so beautiful 🙂
The last four have been with me since 2006/2007.
Emo, Missy George Cooper, Scampy Diddles, and Paris Geller 🙂 Emo is 11. The other three are 10. They, ideally, will go together. But that’s not essential 🙂

The four – Emo, Scampy, George and Paris Geller
They need homes asap but the 15th of December is the final date for me to move out.