Greetings Humans. I would like to thank all of you who sent me birthday wishes. Somehow birthdays become important again when you are as old as me. At my age, every parting feels like it may be the last.

Mi Two is about 82 years old.
So, I feel sad that my former servant, Ken, has left Japan and returned to New Zealand. I get excellent care with Hiroaki and Rie, my very attentive servants. I am not complaining. They have gotten me through a few serious illnesses and their care makes my life worth living.
I heard that Ken and Richelle are making an offer on yet another potential site for the Cat Adoption Café. Since the last time I wrote about their epic search for premises, they have tried to make offers on four sites. One, on the Esplanade, was problematic because it was too big and was in the wrong zone for a small café. Another, in Central Lower Hutt, was a difficult shape to divide into cat and non-cat areas. (May I just say that I object strongly to this silly rule that cats must be kept away from human food preparation areas? After all, it is not as if we are dogs! But, I digress.) One landlord on Jackson St in Petone chose another company because they would not need to change anything—no additional walls, accessible toilets or kitchen facilities. The current one is also on Jackson St and the City Council are being quite nice about zoning. Let’s hope that this one will be the right place or at least that the right place will come along really soon. Everyone is getting impatient for Neko Ngeru Cat Adoption Café to open.
Did you know that Ken and Richelle will be giving a presentation on Saturday June 10 at the Newlands Community Centre for the Cat Rescue Seminar organized by Outpawed? I don’t know how good the speech will be, but some of the pictures are of me when I was young and beautiful (like the one in the featured image). Being old and beautiful is not quite the same, even if it is a great accomplishment.
One very sad thing I heard about was that a cat lost his life because he got caught in a gin trap. His name was Memos and he experienced great pain before he died. He was caught for a couple of days with both legs broken. This kind of trap is not supposed to be set within 150 metres of a residential building, but someone in the Pinehaven neighbourhood of Upper Hutt was careless and set it anyway. The SPCA were out investigating nearby in relation to the long spring leg traps size one and a half found in the bush. But, they could not find enough evidence to indicate who did it. I hope that anyone who knows anything about who set the traps will contact the SPCA.

long spring leg trap
I see this letter is somewhat rambling. My excuse is age. I have so much experience, I must try to pass on as much knowledge as I can between my naps.