Lower Hutt
Wellington Cat Lovers’ Meetup group presents a unique opportunity to take a cat-centered pet first aid course for a specially discounted price. This one-time offer will take place on Saturday May 13, 2017 at 40 Akatea Road in Korokoro Lower Hutt. Spaces are limited, so it’s important to RSVP on the Meetup event page.
PET First Aid was created to deal with issues seen specifically in NZ such as poisons. The course is taught by a vet nurse who has a comprehensive ability to talk about issues that can be very species specific. For example, since this course is for people who love cats, the instructor will discuss the common issues surrounding cats and even demonstrate some important rescue techniques on a willing cat.
Since this is an especially discounted offer, payment must be made in advance. Please send us an email for enquiry and we will tell you the cost and payment method.