Cat Quiz Night

Cat Quiz Night

Calling all smarties! Get your team together for a night of fun with the cats. Both general knowledge and cat-specific questions will be given in four rounds of ten questions plus a tie breaker if necessary. Only four teams of maximum four people each can play, so...
Cat Quiz Night

Cat Quiz Night

Calling all smarties! Get your team together for a night of fun with the cats. Both general knowledge and cat-specific questions will be given in four rounds of ten questions plus a tie breaker if necessary. Only four teams of maximum four people each can play, so...

Cat Lovers Meetup Dinner Series – Mr. Ji’s Kitchen

This is a new event – Cat Lovers Meetup Dinner Series! We loved the Meetup group called “Love Good Food – Want Good Company” but unfortunately, it is not meeting anymore. So, we thought we should organize one by ourselves! This dinner series...