We have another case of cat flu in the cafe. Nox was diagnosed on Thursday the 5th of July so we have isolated him at Ken and Richelle’s home. He is doing well and taking his antibiotics like a trencher. He still loves to cuddle, so being apart from everyone most of the time is hard on him but it is probably good that he gets a lot of rest.
Ken and Richelle did a big clean of the cat areas Thursday night and will do another in ten days.
Although Lotte was sneezing again, she does not have any fever. None of the other cats is showing symptoms, but we are being very cautious. We ask that everyone coming to the cat area use the hand sanitiser and if you have cats at home, be extra careful about washing your hands before you touch them.
We are also reducing the maximum number of customers at one time in the cat area until we have more cats. For now, we will only let ten people in at a time. Parties can still be held at the cafe with the understanding that there are only six cats to play with.
We appreciate your support and understanding.

Nox at the cafe

Sorry to hear this. I admire your dedication and trust Nox will be in good health again soon.