Greetings Humans!
This last month has brought a lot of changes to the café cats. So many of them have returned home or graduated to new homes, it is like a completely different place. I find it hard to adjust sometimes to all the new faces and I am afraid I come across as a bit bossy. I just need to make them understand their place in the hierarchy, that’s all.
Chenzo is the only worker cat still with us. TJ, Clover, Harley and Ivy went back to their own people when we welcomed new, adoptable cats. Poppet was the first to graduate. She joined her new family on the 27th of December. She was playing with them that very day. We always knew she was adaptable. Molly went next. She is much happier as an only cat with her doting humans. Some people may be surprised that Willow found humans to love her, but it happened. On January 18th she went to a very understanding family who had already prepared a climbing tree for her and she is now a loving but still playful girl. Blitz set a record for shortest time in the café before getting chosen. (Wait! I don’t even know if I had time to introduce Blitz. She was a young calico mother who came with her sister Panda (tuxedo like me) and another tabby named Abby. Blitz was a foster mum for Captain who almost lost his eye, but more about him later.) She was still in the ‘getting to know you cage’ when her family filled out the paperwork for her. She went to them on the 20th. Pickle soon followed. He is now named Moon and is enjoying the attentions of a very loving family.

Mischief Photo by Masanori Udagawa.
Charlie graduated the first of February. He started out quite timid in December and gave Ken such trouble by hiding up inside the shutter. But, when his humans saw him, it was love at first sight. (He is a very handsome boy: nearly all black and sinuous, but that does not mean he can try anything with me!) Since then, he has come out of his shell more and more but he especially plays at night. Mischief and Momo went together (yeah!) February 3rd. They are going to have a wonderful time roaming their big yard. Richelle and Ken will probably miss them a lot since they lived in our home for a while, but the other cats may breathe a sigh of relief. While I am not there, those two are the most dominant females.
Some of the cats are still waiting to be scheduled for their adoption date, but it will be soon.

Captain Jack without his eye patch
Captain, who came to us as a runny eyed pipsqueak, has become a strong boy. He was found with his siblings in a rubbish bin. His human foster mom had to put drops in his eye every hour for 48 hours to save it. Although still annoying, he can get most of the other cats to play with him. He will go to his loving home soon where he will be an inside cat on account of his poor eyesight.

the beautiful Pandora or Panda for short
Panda has stopped hiding in the toilets and plays in the café with people and the other cats ever since she was chosen by her new humans. I have to admit I won’t be too sorry to see her go since she is almost as pretty and strong as me.

Snow the tough guy
Snow, a big, tough boy from Upper Hutt, has become the top male cat at the café. He had to fight Finn to get the right to eat first and sleep wherever he wants. With his new family, he will probably be king of the neighbourhood in no time.

Katie looks like a bigger version of Captain
Katie was only out in the café for a few days before she was chosen by a lovely family. She is playful and fun loving but she does sleep a lot. She looks like a larger sized Captain and soon as he grows, it will be hard to tell them apart.
New cats are coming regularly and there are some cats that are still available who have been with us for a while.
Sharon was chosen by a very nice human, but she could not go to that home because some other humans in something called a ‘body corporate’ said no. However, she is coping well and even coming down to be petted by the customers more and more often. I understand her feelings even though the other cats consider her to be a bit standoffish. She just does not tolerate much nonsense and I can respect that.

Finn being majestic
Finn was also chosen, but had to be given up before he went. I think it is good that the humans count the cost of maintaining us and decide not to take on more than they can handle. Finn is such a gentleman and, although I hiss at him to remind him of his place, I secretly admire his polite ways and quiet strength. I am glad he will be top cat again when Snow goes.

the inscrutable Lola
Lola gave Richelle and Ken a scare when she went on a hunger strike at first. However, she has settled down and is eating well. She will find someone to love as she comes out of her shell at the café.

sweet Abby
Abby is a dear. She is such a good girl who never gives me any sass. I am sure someone will fall in love with her sweet temperament soon.

darling Mia
Mia has come out into the café area but still stays up in the castle top most of the time. She is a smart but quiet girl who reminds me of TJ somehow. Once she is more confident, she will catch the heart of some human.
Sparrow is a very fluffy girl who is still staying in the privacy room. She will gain confidence and come out to meet people as soon as she is ready. I bet she will love being petted by the café guests and will find a family very quickly.
I have not met Teddy or Toby or Fred or George who are coming this week, but I have heard they are great. Four boys: three gingers and a silver tabby and two of them kittens!
So, you see there have been and will be lots of changes at Neko Ngeru as cats come and go. But, this is what we wanted and are pleased that homeless cats are finding families and catless homes are getting corrected. If any of your favorites are going to new homes, you should come visit soon so you can wish them well.
Such a great summary. Please be assured that not all Body Corporates don’t allow cats. I am president of one that allows cats because cats are awesome.