Greetings Humans!

The opening day is November 18th. Life is rushing along and my humans, Ken and Richelle, are especially busy preparing their café where I will soon be able to meet you. They always take time to play with me and my cousins though, so it’s all right. We are getting along better, by the way. Momo started to play with me first and now Mischief is okay too. When we all play together it can get a bit intense, but we never stay offended long. When Tonraq comes in we rush around and jump on everything. Mischief has taught me how to climb up the curtains but I figured out how to turn around along the rail by myself. Mi-Ke is still grouchy. I guess she does not like to play with us since she cannot jump or run like we can. I feel a bit sorry for her and let her eat as much of my kitten food as she wants. As a matter of fact, everyone loves my kitten food but I don’t mind. I can get all the grown-up food I want. At least until Ken tells me I am chubby and tries to distract me from eating. I won’t let his body shaming comments get me down. I am a strong and confident cat, even if I am a bit roly-poly. That is a plus for cuddling anyway and that’s my job.

Ken and Richelle spent the whole weekend away from me painting the ceiling of the café. They should get the keys on Friday the 27th but it is not nearly ready for customers. There’s still painting for the walls and floors plusvinyl for the floors where there will be water. There’s more joinery to go in the kitchenette and the cat privacy rooms. The murals must get started and the cushions and chair covers must be made. The sign must go on the outside and people furniture must go on the inside. The coffee machine and grinder must be installed plus the dishwasher, bar chiller and cold display case. Ken and Richelle must put the menu and retail items on the Point of Sale system and they must make their online booking system work. That’s a lot of ‘musts’ especially since Ken hurt his wrist scraping the walls and painting. It would be impossible, but there are a lot of other humans helping. People have volunteered to help with painting next week, which will be great. The human staff are also going to start working too, so Ken and Richelle will need to figure out how to delegate.
This weekend there is also the Wellington Pet and Animal Expo at the Te Rauparaha Arena
17 Parumoana Rd, in Porirua. It is a great chance to go see Ken and Richelle plus the nice people of Outpawed Rescue Trust, Vikki and Hamish. I will get to meet some of their cats soon. I hope they will play with me too.
It’s good to hear about all the progress on the cat cafe.
Hi Richelle. It was lovely to meet you at the expo! I love hearing about the progress of the cafe.
All the best,
Congratulations on your opening. We saw all the excitement on social media and read about you on
Good luck with the Cat Adoptions, and thank you for establishing this wonderful social enterprise.