November 27, 2018 @ 6:30 am – 8:30 am
Neko Ngeru Cat Adoption Cafe
291 Jackson St
Lower Hutt 5012 ニュージーランド
Ask a Cat Behaviourist - Life from a Cat's Perspective @ Neko Ngeru Cat Adoption Cafe | Lower Hutt | Wellington | ニュージーランド

Professional Cat Behaviourist, Jeannette Vine, will be giving a series of talks and answering your questions. The third talk is on improving your relationship with your cats.

Understanding how cats see their world and how they communicate through their body language, facial expressions and vocalising can make all the difference to your cat’s well-being.  In this talk she’ll cover the signs and behaviours to look for that show us when they’re stressed and what we can do to help meet their physical, emotional and cognitive needs.

A free hot drink is included in the ticket entry price of $25. Thirty minutes cat play starting at 6.30pm and cuddling followed by Jeannette’s talk from 7pm. There will be time for a Q&A session.