Cats in the Café

You will see these cats in the Café!

– About Our Cats –

All our cats are available for adoption. Some of them stay longer than others to teach newbies how to behave around humans and other cats. We call them Worker Cats.’ We call all other cats Available Cats.’

When cats/kittens arrive at the cafe, they need to stay for a month. We study their personality during this period and people can submit the pre-adoption forms. After a month or so, we will look for the best match for that cat/kitten. We also sometime cannot release cats if the cafe has less than 10 cats in the café.

We work with some cat rescue organisations in the Wellington region like Feral Nation and Rachel’s KittyCat Rescue NZ. We do some rescue activities by ourselves and accept surrendered cats with careful screening.


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Grey/White
DOB: 2023
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid but playful
Size: 4 kg

Status: Waiting for trial!

My Story:

I was rescued with my kittens, mother and brother from the backyard of home in Kelson where I was born. I was just starting to trust the fosters when I came here to Neko Ngeru. I am not always hiding under the couch anymore but am not ready for anyone to touch me yet. Give me time. I can be playful and sweet once I get to trust you. My human is preparing a home for me. She decided to move when her landlord said she couldn’t have me. I really like her! She comes to play with me whenever she can.

Things I like:

Hiding in a safe place, food, play and petting (once I trust you)


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Black & White
DOB: 08/02/2024
Gender: Male
Personality: shy then loving
Size:  3.7 kg

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

​Hey there! I’m Motley, though some at Rachel’s Rescues called me Chappy, I don’t know why. Some say I’m not so bright, but I love to be loved.  Maybe I seem shy at first, but once I feel secure, I will shower you with smooches and playful nibbles. I also dribble when I am happy. I like to be with other cats and Floyd is my good friend. Maybe we can stay together? My striking white ears will require sunscreen, and I prefer adults over children. I don’t know any dogs yet. Will you let me bring laughter and love into your home?

Things I like:

hiding under the couch, petting and FOOD! Play with feathers, string or the RED DOT


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Ginger
DOB: 10/11/2023
Gender: Male
Personality: Timid & then Playful
Size:  4.7 kg

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

Heya, I’m Floyd, a quirky and kooky fella! Wild born in Masterton, I was rescued by Rachels Rescues at two months old. Once I was around other friendly cats, I began to shine and show my true self. Motley is my buddy, and I help give him confidence. At Neko Ngeru, we have been getting braver and playing with each other, other cats and humans. I love cat towers, and their cozy dark hidey holes are my favourite place so you can look for me there. I can be a bit of a day dreamer but love human affection – almost too much so that I pull your hand back (politely but with claws out) when I want more.  I love all treats.  I can be great with other cats but I’m unsure of dogs. Children age 11 + are okay. Hope to stay with Motley.

Things I like: 

playing, jumping, wrestling and feeling safe



Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Calico
DOB: July 2024
Gender: Female
Personality: timid & then Playful
Size:  3.5 kg

Status: Taking applications

My Story:

I’m called Tinsel. I grew up with lots of other cats and not much human attention. I was glad to go with Feral Nation since it meant I could get away from my creepy uncles. Once I feel safe, I like to play all the time. An occasional snuggle and fuss from a human is all right but play is what it’s all about. I hope that the café will be a good place for me to learn more about being around humans.

Things I like: 

playing with the fur puffball and feeling safe



Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Sliver/White Tabby
DOB: Feb 2024
Gender: Male
Size:  4.3 kg

Status: Waiting for trial!

My Story:

Oh, hello. I’m Roy. I came from Rachel’s Rescue. You may not have seen me since I like to hide. Whether it’s a high perch or a deep burrow, I am likely to find it most comfortable. After I get to know and trust you, I am supper affectionate and playful. My purr is so strong it sometimes sounds like a squeak. I will ask you for pats and play with simple things like a shoelace forever! I like other cats just fine, but all loud things (like dogs or young children) will scare me back into hiding. It takes me a while to get used to new things, like the brush, but if I have a safe place to hide in your home, I will be fine. Will you give me the chance to be your loyal friend?

Things I like: 

hiding, playing with feather or string and FOOD!



Breed: Domestic Medium Hair
Colour: ginger

DOB: Nov. 2025
Gender: Male
Personality: playful, hyper
Size:  1.8 kg

Status: Applications on hold (potentially worker cat)

My Story:

Hey! I’m Otis! Let’s play! I have soooo much energy and I can get super enthusiastic about hands. You should keep them away from me when I ‘m excited. I love to cuddle too but only when I ‘m tired. I was surrendered directly to Neko Ngeru by a family. No body is sure when I was born so I might be small for my age. But that doesn’t stop me from being a dynamo. I hope the other cats here can play with me enough.

Things I like: 

Chasing balls and long wire feather toys, tunnels, playing with other cats, biting the salty flavor of human hands (don’t tempt me!)


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: black/white
(black toe and orange eyes)
DOB: Oct. 2025
Gender: Male
Personality: playful, energetic
Size:  3.0 kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

Hi, I’m Beto. I was rescued by Rachel’s rescue with Luna. We are very different. I’m getting into everything, bombing every photo and eating everyone else’s food. I am cuddly sometimes but mostly I just walk over you to where the action is. I let Otis explore things first and only go when I see he’s okay. I have been okay around kids. There are lots of black and white cats here. I hope you notice me and let me slink into your heart.

Things I like: 

Chasing balls and long wire feather toys, tunnels, playing with other cats, and eating other’s food


Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tuxido

DOB: Oct. 2025
Gender: Male
Personality: calm and peaceful
Size:  3.7kg

Status: Applications on hold (new cat)

My Story:

Hello, I’m Luna. Sometimes people think I am a girl. I don’t mind. I can play but often wait until I see it is safe before I come out. I was rescued with Beto by Rachel’s Rescues and we were fostered with Otis. Nothing much bothers me or makes me lose my composure, and it takes me a while to eat my food. I have been okay around kids. If you want a chilled out companion, I could be the one for you.

Things I like: 

Chasing balls and long wire feather toys, tunnels, playing with other cats, and being cool



Breed: Domestic Medium Hair
Colour: Pastel Calico
DOB: April 2022
Gender: Female
Personality: playful, energetic
Size:  3.6 kg

Status: Trying new home!

My Story:

I’m Nena, originally from For the Love of Cats. I was from a large litter and really liked playing with my cat family. I was adopted by a family who loved me, but their older cat never adjusted to having a little sister even though I tried very hard to be her friend and play and surprise her sometimes too. I am all fluff and although small in weight, I’m big in personality – I have heaps of energy and don’t plan to slow down anytime soon!

Things I like: 

Chasing paper balls and fluffy flying toys, climbing trees, playing with other cats, licking the salty flavour of human hands

The cats below are worker cats. They will stay in the longer to teach newbies how to behave in the café.

Pippin – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Black & White
DOB: February 2021
Gender: Male
Personality: Wise and weary
Size: 2.3 kg
Entered: 20/04/2021

My Story:

I’m Pippin because I will always be small. I have congenital Myasthenia, so I seem tired all the time and I can’t do all the things other cats do. I get special care, so I am doing all right. I can eat my food from a spoon and walk a little way, but I need to rest a lot. The other cats think I am a little gross because I drool on myself. That’s why I also need humans to give me a bath and my paws and belly are stained brown. I come to the café by day and go home with the Okada’s at night.

Things I like:

Beanbag beds, brushing, getting fed and trying to lick myself.



Shade – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tuxedo
DOB: 09/10/2024
Gender: Male
Personality: cautious but playful
Size:  2.0 kg

My Story:

I’m called Shade. You’ve probably met my brother Domino since he usually goes everywhere first. We were rescued by Rachel’s Rescues from Totara Park area when we were very young, so humans are a normal part of the world for us. I am not as brave as Domino, but if I see he’s okay, then I know I can be too. The other cats here might be fun, but they all look so big! I like humans, although I am more cautious about laps than my brother. You should hear me purr!

Things I like: 

Hide and Seek, playing with feather or string, cuddling with humans or my brother

Domino – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Black/White
DOB: 09/10/2024
Gender: Male
Personality: friendly, playful
Size:  2.4 kg

My Story:

My name is Domino. I was rescued by Rachel’s Rescues around Totara Park with my brother Shade. He says I’m too bold, but I love to see what’s happening and he usually follows me anyway. We play together a lot and then I give him a wash. I can’t wait till I get strong enough to play with all the big cats here. I like humans’ laps and think you give good cuddles. If you want me, you should take my brother too. He needs me.

Things I like: 

Hide and Seek, playing with feather or string, cuddling with humans or my brother


Rumer – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby
DOB: 25/10/2023
Gender: Female
Personality: playful, cuddly
Size: 3.1kg
Entered: 26/05/2024

Status: Waiting for trial!

My Story:

I was rescued with my sister and brother, Bambi and Kohl, by Rachel’s KittyCat Rescue around Masterton when we were very small. I was lucky to get rescued by such good people so young because I can trust humans. I also like playing with other cats. I am cautious and clever, but I am playful and curious too. I sometimes play rough and have a bad habit of biting. People in the café help me overcome this by stopping play if I do it. I have been working on my skills on the wheel, as a parkour master, human biscuit maker, and my meercat impression.

Things I like:

Play and petting, climbing on everything and everyone. Chasing a toy across the high places.

Wiley – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Tabby/White
DOB: Feb. 2024
Gender: Male
Personality: cuddly
Size: 4.3 kg
Entered: 04/06/2024

Status: Trying new home!

My Story:

Hi, I’m Wiley. I was rescued by a nice lady on a lifestyle block in Pauatahanui. I was hiding under an upside-down bathtub. I probably wasn’t born wild, just got dumped by irresponsible people. I still like and trust humans though I can be cautious at first. It doesn’t take me long before I’m bouncy and playful, landing in your lap to knead it into a more comfortable shape or climbing on your shoulder for a ride.  I have a funny meow that’s very creaky. I like playing with other cats, but I also like to have time on my own. I want to grow big and strong!

Things I like:

plush bed, human laps and shoulders (when I want) string toys and wrestling with Maeve or anyone else who is fun.

Maeve – Worker Cat

Breed: Domestic Medium Hair
Colour: Grey Calico
DOB: 01/03/2023
Gender: Female
Personality: bold, playful, attention seeker
Size:  3.3 kg
Entered: 06/11/2024

Status: Waiting for trial!

My Story:

Hi! I’m Maeve. Nice to meet you! I was born to a semi-feral mum in a glass house in early March. Rescued by Feral Nation at eight weeks old, I was held back from adoption because I wasn’t growing. I’ve had all the blood tests come back negative so maybe I’m just meant to be small. I was going to be a headquarters cat. But the queen there didn’t like my eagerness, so I tried Neko Ngeru and it suits me! I’ve been fine around dogs and kids. I can watch out for myself around other cats. I can probably handle anything. Human laps are great places to sit, and I love to play.

Things I like:

being queen, playing, sitting on laps and wrestling with Wiley